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                                    ( Click on other year archives in menu bar above )

Annual General Meeting

October 06, 2019

The clubhouse was quite full for the AGM, with attendees paying rapt attention to all the reports and news from the Executive Committee Officers & Directors.  The highlights are that the Green has been in great shape this season, we have had many successes with outside tournaments, and club membership numbers are very healthy.  Awards and prizes were announced & distributed - for Perfect Games, 25 years of membership, & Aggregate cash prizes.  All nominees for Executive Committee positions  were accepted by acclamation - check the new Executive Committee lineup here.

Fun Night - September

September 20, 2019

This was the last FUN NIGHT of the season, so we made it a really special one.  The theme was Western / Cowboy, & the dinner was Pot Luck.  Thanks to all who participated & contributed - - lots of great food - - setting up the fun bowling game - - showing up in some of the best get-ups ever.  The weather was cooperative, even in this sketchy September, & everyone had a great time.  Congratulations to all the bowling prize winners - enjoy your loot !!  Big thanks to Judy & Brian Siemens for putting it all together so well.  Next FUN NIGHT will be in 2020 - only a few months away.  See you all there ... 


Thanks to all for a great season of FUN NIGHTS !!

Ladies Singles Tournament

September 17, 2019

We had a good turnout of 12 ladies for the annual Singles Tournament, running from Sept 3 to 17.  Opening night weather was very nice for the 2-game match-ups.  BIG thanks to the Markers & all the other volunteers who made this event possible, & FUN.  The GROUP A playoffs came down to Flo & Jean - with Jean emerging victorious in a hard fought match.  GROUP B playoffs came down to Masae & Noreen, with Noreen emerging victorious in a very close match.


Congratulations to our winners - Jean & Noreen !!

BC 55+ Games - Kelowna

September 14, 2019

Kelowna was the host city for the 2019 BC 55+ Games - Sept 10 to 14.  Over 4100 athletes participated in over 30 sports, and Kelowna did a great job of organizing all the events, with lots of help from their 1400 volunteers.  CLBC had 11 members participating in the games, and they made a very impressive medal haul.  The green was in good condition, and the Kelowna Lawn Bowling Club hosts were very friendly & helpful - Thank You !!

All results are now available on the BC 55+ web site, but here are the CLBC member medal results:

Mixed Fours - GOLD MEDAL - Denis Sigfusson, Flo Hurtubise, Ed & Jean Wagstaff

Women's Pairs 70+ - GOLD MEDAL - Jean Wagstaff & Flo Hurtubise

Mixed Pairs 70+ - GOLD MEDAL - Gary & Dorothy Clarke

Men's Pairs - SILVER MEDAL - Dave Rosta & Doug Van Os

Mixed Pairs - BRONZE MEDAL - Rick & Noreen Applegath

Men's Pairs 70+ - BRONZE MEDAL - Ed Wagstaff & Denis Sigfusson

Mixed 4's - BRONZE MEDAL - Donna Spaidal & her Zone 4 team

- - 15 medals for CLBC members ... they ALL came home with a medal or more - -


Congratulations to all our medal WINNERS !!   

CLBC Women's team - In the Finals

September 09, 2019

It's been a while since CLBC teams have made it to the finals of the V&D Monday Night Pennant League.  The women's team of Flo Hurtubise, Donna Spaidal, & Masae Ishii made it happen for the 2019 season.  The playoffs for the men and women took place on Monday evening, September 9th, at the New Westminster club.  Flo and the team played against a Richmond team, and even though they put up a valiant fight, the result was a little short of a win.  They finished up in 4th place overall.  Congratulations to Flo, Donna, and Masae for representing our club so well. It was also great to see so many CLBC members & supporters cheering them on - Thank You !!


Congratulations to all V&D Pennant League Winners !!

MEN's Singles Tournament

August 20, 2019

Starting on Aug 20 & ending on Sept 5, the men went into battle, trying to score 21 points to win each match up.  With 2 games to be played on the first night, it made for a long evening under the lights.  Thanks for all who helped out - - the organizers, the Markers, & the set up crews. The final game was played on Sept 5 - and the Winners are:

Group A: Rick Applegath, with runner-up Gary Clarke.

Group B: Bill Pattinson, with runner-up Dave Boychuck

Congratulations to the winners & to all the participants - - it was a fun event.


Well Done EVERYONE !!

Labour Day - Mixed Triples

September 02, 2019

Another beautiful summer holiday weekend - perfect for a lawn bowling tournament.  We had a full sign up, mild temperatures, & even a nice breeze for the last game.  This one had Four 10-end games of mixed triples.  Thanks to all our SUPER volunteers - for getting us organized, setting up the green, providing goodies & refreshments, & performing all those other tasks that make these events so successful & so much fun. Thanks to Jerry Clarkson & Darlene Rosta for providing so many great photos - click on the photo album button below - see a lot of fantastic shots !!


Well Done Everyone - Happy Labour Day !!  

Fun Night - August

August 23, 2019

We had a beachwear theme, lots of tasty chicken, some dodgy weather, & a whole lot of FUN.  BIG thanks to Brian & Judy Siemens for organizing such a great event - & for all that wonderful baking.  Thanks also to our great volunteers - for setting stuff up, tearing stuff down, telling funny stories, organizing the FUN bowling game, & everything else that makes these events so enjoyable.  The weather was a little worrisome, but cleared up nicely for the bowl-in-a box game.  Congratulations to our many prize winners.  Be sure to check out the hilarious photos of the inspired beachwear get ups ... & the fun bowling.


Well Done Everyone !!

Thursday Night LEAGUE - Part TWO

August 22, 2019

Another fun few nights playing mixed 3-bowl Pairs.  Part 2 was played from July 18 to August 22 in mostly fine weather.  Big thank you to Stephen Lambert for devising the schedule and format.  Also thanks to all those who helped with set up and all the other tasks that make it all possible. Special thanks to Brian & Judy Siemens for hosting the final evening, doing all the final calculations, and awarding all those prizes.  Congratulations and thank you to everyone who participated - we all had a lot of fun !!


Well Done Everyone !!  

South Burnaby Club - Visitation

August 18, 2019

BIG "Thank You" to the South Burnaby club for inviting us to a fun match of mixed triples.  24 of our Coquitlam  bowlers signed up for this visitation, and were treated to 2 games of triples, with a nice tea and goodies break in between.  Coquitlam emerged victorious, winning more games, but the matches were hard fought on most lanes. The weather was just right for lawn bowling, starting with cloud cover and ending with full on sunshine.  Next year we will be sure to invite the S. Burnaby club out our way - visitations are a lot of FUN !!  


Thanks for a such a great VISIT !!

Mixed Pairs Tournament - August Edition

August 13, 2019

A FUN tournament where we choose our own team & compete with them all - a great way to spend an evening.  The weather was very cooperative for this event, with three 8-end games of 3-bowl Pairs.  Thanks to Allan Black for arranging it all so well, & to all our great volunteers who rolled the green, set up the green, & did all that wonderful stuff that makes for a successful tournament.  Thanks to Darlene Rosta for all the great photos - check out the photo album by clicking the button below. 


Congratulations to all the WINNERS !!

Men's Intermediate Triples Tournament

August 11, 2019

The Coquitlam Club enjoyed hosting the Vancouver & District (V&D) Men's Intermediate Triples Tournament on what turned out to be a mixed weather day - some rain - some sun.  This tournament is for male bowlers with three or less years of bowling experience, & is an excellent way to learn all about inter-club tournaments.  There were 11 teams represented from all over the district and overall play was at a high level.  Thanks to all who helped to make this happen - all the super volunteers at the Coquitlam Club - & Games Director Gary Korstrom for organizing it all so well.  Have a look at the Photo Album at the link below.


Congratulations to all the WINNERS !!

BC DAY - Mixed Triples Tournament

August 05, 2019

A very HOT day for an all day tournament, but we managed two 10-end games in the morning, & two 8-end games after lunch - whew - this is quite the heat wave !!  Thanks to all our volunteers for setting up, tearing down, & for all those other chores that make it all possible.  Thanks also to the kitchen crew & all the food contributors - it was important to stay hydrated & nourished on a day like this.  It was also important to find some shade when possible & our shade umbrellas did a great job.  Congratulations to all our winners - be sure sure to check out the photo album to see who they are, & everything else going on.  Click on the Photo Album button below ...


Happy BC DAY everyone !!

Mixed Pairs Tournament

July 28, 2019

Perfect weather for a PAIRS tournament, with four 8-end games.  Thanks to all the volunteers who helped put this one together, by rolling the green, setting up chairs & tables, setting up the green, & of course by providing all the delicious treats & drinks to keep everyone nourished & hydrated.  Special thanks to Brian McArthur for concluding this tournament in Allan's absence.  Also, thanks to Darlene & Masae for sharing photos of the event - check out all their great work by clicking on the Photo Album link below ...


Congratulations to all the winners  !!

JULY Fun Night

July 26, 2019

Big THANK YOU to Brian & Judy for organizing another one of our Friday Fun Nights - with a Black & White dress theme, & lots of tasty pizza. We also had some FUN bowling with  the always popular SPIDER, & the String Game too. Thanks also to our great volunteers who showed up early for table & chair set up, & all the rest who helped out with kitchen chores, green set up, & put away.  Congratulations to all the bowling teams who earned themselves some very nice prizes.  Have a look at the photo album to see many of the great Black & White (B&W) outfits.


Well Done Everyone !!

Men's Pairs Tournament

July 23, 2019

It was a perfect evening for 3 games of 3-bowl pairs for the men.  We had 10 teams battling it out for the prizes & the glory.  Thanks to all our great volunteers who made this one a great success - without our volunteers these events would not be possible, & not much fun ... 

Stephen Lambert - for rolling the green ( it was FAST !! )

Nancy Clarkson, Terry Skinner, & Darlene Rosta - for the delicious coffee & cookies, & for taking so many great photos.  Most games were close, some were not, but that is the nature of tournaments, so you never know your luck next time.  Thanks to Allan Black for organizing us all so well, & thanks to Irene Black for the registration work.


Great Tournament - Thanks to all !!


5 - Person Tournament

July 13, 2019

This is a format where 5-person teams play Singles, Pairs, Triples, and Fours, with different skips and a different mix of players for each of the 3 games.  Thanks to all those who worked so hard to set this one up - it gets better every year.  Big thanks also to the set up crew, kitchen crew, and all those who contributed delicious goodies - our volunteers are just the best.  The weather was very cooperative, with a few clouds, a nice breeze, and lots of warm bright sunshine - perfect for lawn bowling.  It may sound like chaos to play all these different formats, but it turned out to be lots of fun and very competitive.


Congratulations to all our winners !!

Ladies Pairs Tournament

July 09, 2019

It was raining, but the Ladies played on for three games - such dedication and perseverance !!  Thanks to everyone who helped to make it all work -- like Brian McArthur for running it so well, with help from Sandy Sainiuk   As always this event would not have been a success without all the volunteers who worked behind the scenes setting up the green & taking care of all other chores.  Thanks also to Nancy Clarkson for making sure there was coffee and cookies on hand,  and to Jerry Clarkson for taking photos.  It's not easy bowling in the rain, but winning a tournament is always worth it.


Congratulations to all 20 Bowlers - you are all WINNERS !!

Canada Day Mixed Triples

July 01, 2019

A great way to celebrate, with four 10-end games of mixed triples on our beautiful bowling green. The weather was just right, with a little breeze at times, & the bowlers were looking very sharp in their all red & white attire.  Big thanks to:  Stephen for rolling the green, Helen for leading us in "Oh Canada", all the kitchen crew, all those who contributed the delicious food, & all those who assisted with set up & tear down.  Congrats to Donna Spaidal for winning the large gift bag full of "Canada Day" goodies, graciously donated by Grace Riddehough - thanks Grace !!  The games were hard fought with many close scores & lots of very skillful bowling.  Congrats to all the winners !!


Happy Canada Day !! 

Rose Garden Tournament

June 23, 2019

It was a great day for our annual Rose Garden Tournament, with a full slate of 16 teams from all around the lower mainland.  The format was Mixed Fours, with four 10-end games, and it was busy all around the facility as the Rose Show, the Photography Show, & the Farmer's Market were all in full swing.  The weather was cool, but no rain, and by mid-afternoon the sun made a breakthrough.  Congratulations to all the tournament winners:

First Place: Coquitlam - Denis Sigfusson team

Second Place - Richmond - Eric Leung team

Third Place - Richmond - Heng Lee team

Fourth Place - North Van - Andrew Fitzgerald team
Big thanks to all the helpers who pitched in to make it a great success, to our sponsors for so many great prizes, coffee, & cake, & to all the fans who came out to cheer on our teams.


Happy Summer everyone ...

JUNE - Fun Night

June 21, 2019

It was Hawaiian dress theme and a delicious Chinese food dinner for our second Fun Night of the season.  'Twas the first day of summer, & it started off cool, but as our Fun Night progressed the sun made an appearance & gave us some welcome warmth.  Big thanks to Judy & Brian Siemens for organizing this one so well, and thanks Denis for bringing out THE BOX GAME - everybody enjoys that one.  Thanks also to all those who contributed with set up, tear down, and all those other organizational details that make it such a fun event - we have the VERY BEST volunteers !!


ALOHA Everyone ...

Mixed Cutthroat Tournament

June 11, 2019

We had a full sign-up of 24 players on a warm, almost summer evening.  Thanks to Allan Black for organizing this fun tournament that was enjoyed by all.  Thanks also to all our volunteers who took care of all the set up and tear down required, and everything else that makes for a good tournament.  Congratulations to all our winners - Keith Bonner, John Morrow, Ed Wagstaff, Doug Van Os, Flo Hurtubise, & Denis Sigfusson !!


Well Done Everyone !

MAY Fun Night

May 24, 2019

The theme was "Mexico" - - the dinner was pot luck - - the bowling was super FUN.  What a great start to the 2019 FUN NIGHT season.  Thanks to Brian & Judy for organizing this one, and for providing the colourful decorations.  And a BIG thanks to all the pot luck dinner contributors, who arrived with so many delicious treats, enjoyed by all.  More thanks to all of you who helped with set up & clean up - we have the best volunteers.  The bowling was great fun, and congratulations to all the winners. 


Gracias señoras y señores

Victoria Day Mixed Triples

May 20, 2019

We had a full house, on a day that started off with a few raindrops & steadily got wetter. Try as we might to play through the drizzles, by the end of Game THREE, everyone was totally soggy & it was definitely time to close it down.  These were challenging conditions & it just shows how tough lawn bowlers can be.  Thanks to all who made this one happen, for rolling the green, for all the great kitchen treats, and for all the set up & tear down required.  It was so easy having all the shelter we needed with our new gazebo in full use. 


Congratulations to all the WINNERS !!

Australian Pairs

May 11, 2019

A beautiful sunny day for the first tournament of the year, and we had a full sign-up.  Big thanks to everyone who helped make it happen, with set-up, tear-down, all the great kitchen help, and the delicious contributions of goodies.  Aussie pairs is a fun format, and everyone got lots of exercise with 4 bowls per end and lots of walking back and forth.  Congratulations to our winners Kevin & Joyce, who Joyce described as her "mother & son team".  We also found that our new Gazebo was very good at providing shade for many bowlers.


Thanks to everyone who participated !!

Lawn Bowling - TRY IT

April 20, 2019

Two days of great weather for our "Lawn Bowling TRY-IT" event - (April 20 and 21).  This one was organized by Stephen Lambert, Coaching Director, assisted by all the club coaches.  There were over 30 participants, who all seemed to enjoy their time on the green.  Big thank you to all our other volunteers who helped out with refreshments, snacks, and many other tasks preparing for opening day on April 22.


Let's have some good weather to get the 2019 season underway - at last !!

SAGM - Semi-Annual General Meeting

April 07, 2019

We're off to a great start, as 65 members turned out for the SAGM.  It was a little crowded in our small clubhouse, but we managed to squeeze everyone in.  President Dorothy Clarke got us through a busy agenda - - setting our annual membership dues, & Directors reported on results and plans in their areas of responsibility.  We also had our first look at the new Club shirts, with orders being placed after the meeting.  It looks like it's going to be a busy and fun season ahead.  Let's hope to be on the green soon ... just a little sunshine needed ... do a little dance  !! 


Opening in April ... Stay Tuned

Clean Up Day

March 30, 2019

The season is almost here - time to clean up & get the facility into tip top shape.  Thanks to the many members who came out on this beautiful day to spend 2 hours working on everything that could be cleaned, scraped, repaired, tidied, scrubbed, & polished.  Great job everyone - hope you all enjoyed the coffee, Tim's donuts, & the renewal of friendships for the 2019 season.  All set now for the SAGM on April 7 - & possibly bowling on April 8.


Thanks for all your hard work !!

Wrap-Up Lunch

March 21, 2019

Wrapping up another winter season, the CLBC cards & games group got together on March 21 for a tasty Chinese food lunch & a few more games.  Big thanks to Denis & Flo for organizing us all so well, to Judy & Brian for the great desserts, & to everyone who contributed goodies & energy all winter through, making it fun & delicious for all.  Next up will be the SAGM on April 7 - followed up next day with Lawn Bowling (if the weather is good & the green is ready)


Have a great 2019 bowling season everyone !!

"THE GAZEBO" Project

February 06, 2019

As a result of several meetings with Club Executive members and City of Coquitlam staff, a new structure has been built - "The Gazebo" - - a 12' x 20' structure built on the west side of the Clubhouse, providing covered space to accommodate several tables with chairs.  This should eliminate the need for setting up our portable tents, at least on the west side.  Covered spaces are used at tournaments and Fun Nights, typically to provide shade, but sometimes to keep dry - - yes, it does rain every once in a while.  This project was completed just in time for the start of the 2019 season.  Have a look at the Photo Album - just click on the button below ...


Thanks to all who helped to make this happen !!

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